Live from the stage/my workspace
Child Therapist
I got my start as a child therapist through an intensive, multi-year, post-graduate training program at the Ann Martin Center, a well established child therapy clinic in the Bay Area. After completing my training, I was invited to join the staff and served as a mentor for first year clinicians.
I offer assessment, diagnosis, treatment planning, play therapy and parenting strategies. My experience includes working with young children and adolescents on anxiety, depression, OCD, sleep disturbances, loss/grief, trauma, bullying, sexuality and inappropriate aggression.
I have a private practice and work with children from a diverse range of cultures and socio-economic backgrounds.
Adult Therapist
In my private practice, I also work with adults who want to resolve deeply held emotional struggles that are blocking their happiness and fulfillment. I tap into my training in emotional development to help unlock old patterns so that we can get to the root of whatever is going on.
My training includes depth psychology and evidence-based approaches including CBT.
Medical Psychotherapy for Adults and Children
A personal experience in which I witnessed people close to me struggle with the emotional challenges of serious illness led me to develop an specialization in this area.
Cancer, chronic health conditions and other medical illnesses raise difficult emotions not only for the person who has been diagnosed, but also family members and caregivers.
I earned my master’s degree in Integral Counseling Psychology from California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS) and am a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (license #). I chose CIIS because of its humanistic perspective that focuses on giving therapists a broad range of approaches and extensive experience applying them to a variety of individuals.
Before becoming a therapist, I had a rich corporate career which included leading international teams. My background also includes trauma work with women and children in the U.S. and developing countries.
Certifications and Training
Masters in Integral Counseling Psychology, California Institute of Integral Studies
Body to Body Non-Verbal Communication, Northern California Society Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (NCSPP)